Wow... I cannot believe it is almost May?! Where did the time go? Little Bee has been pretty much sick since the beginning of March till now. First she just had a cold, then got a fever and then she would get better for a couple days and it would start all over again! She did get 2 of her bottom molars so that is part of the reason. Over Easter she got the worst, the night before she had 101 degree temperature and it got worse from there. So unfortunately we didn't have a wonderful Easter, but she did get her Easter egg hunt a week later. I still need to put her dress on and take pictures. The Monday after we went to the Dr. and she had an ear infection and conjunctivius (sp?) so we got antibiotics. Within a few hours you could tell she was feeling better. Bella still has a cough and a slightly runny nose but I can see the end is near. I cannot wait, it is no fun taking care of a grumpy toddler!
My cloth diaper endeavour has been wonderful! I totally enjoy it and am totally obsessed. They are just so cute! I have some more on order and cannot wait till they get here. I am also stocking up on fabric to make some of my own, I am just waiting for my serger to get here (hopefully tomorrow) so I can start. I have definitely learned A LOT and I am still learning. I best thing is I am apart of some co ops which are groups that moms put together to buy products at wholesale prices for not only diapers but a ton of stuff for babies and moms.
My pregnancy is going well... I have been so horrible this time around and I haven't taken even one belly shot... ugh! I feel bad. I always plan on it but then my shirt gets dirty or I forget... I will get at least 1 before she comes. I definitely feel "done", I am lucky and have pretty easy pregnancies but things are getting uncomfortable and I am dealing with things I didn't before. Example: vericose veins in my hoo ha....yeah no fun. I have to wear this stupid band strap thing to hold it up so I can walk and stand. Otherwise it swells... I cannot wait till this is over haha. Sorry for the TMI. But things are on track with prepping using hypnobabies. I passed my glucose test... yay! Now I need to prep for baby to get here. I have a class in a couple weeks that will tell us all about preparing our home and what we need to get for the home water birth. I cannot wait and get more excited about having this little girl at home when I think about it.I think it will make transition really easy for Bella and I really hope she is there when her little sister is born. It is going to be so awesome!
3 days ago