Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Fun, Happy Day

Today was such a great day. After a busy morning taking care of Bee and trying to get my work done we made over to, the Happiest Place on Earth, D-Land!!! My mom and Hailey came with us.

First stop, great moments with Mr. Lincoln. My little sis does home school so my mom likes to squeeze in educational stuff where she can.

Second stop, Playhouse Disney Live on Stage. Bee LOVED this!!! She was moving her arms all over, bouncing, jumping, screaming... everything this little girl could do to show she was having fun.

Third, the Aladdin show. It was alright but a little disappointed overall.

Then Bella Bee and I walked around and went on the carousel while my mom and Hailey went on a different ride. It was fun just the two of us. I will need to do it more often.
Right before we were going to leave the Little Mermaid ride opened and we walked right on. It was a cute ride but I was super impressed.

It was such a fun day with my little girl. I just loved it!!

Here is a clip from the video I took of her. I am not bouncing her at all... Bee is loving it!

1 comment:

The Mathews said...

Hahaha!! Too cute of a video. Oh how I wish we lived down there. I'd take Gremlin to Disney every day! Love how these babies get so excited and into things.